Getting old? Feeling tired? Performance lower? 

My take on getting old goes something like this:

Yes sure our testostrone goes down, muscles decrease, blah blah blah but there is an upside which is more experience! That’s experience in knowing your body… Knowing training you can get away with to obtain good consistency…. Knowing what nutrition to take… Knowing how to play the race… Knowing how to avoid injury… Knowing how to get around pain… The list simply goes on and on!

In my opinion, over the years I don’t feel slower, if the truth be known the training just feels harder! Harder to get up, harder to back up training, harder to push harder, harder to stop eating (Don’t laugh) but also harder to do that same old swim set!

But…….If you have the will to do it then you can do it… How you say? 

You simply need that drive of motivation, the same as anything in life when you were younger! Make the goals smaller, put them on the fridge, tick them off, get yourself some heroes to look up too! Whether it is a winner in your age group, specifically as if it is your age it will encourage you! Even if it’s someone you just ache to beat or possibly a time you want to do! 

It might sound corny but people use age to say oh I’m old… Let me tell you, You’re only old if  you act old… So go get them old timers!!